Cabins & Map
Camp Kirby & Sleeping Accommodations
Learn more about Camp Kirby here:
Pictures here:
Cabin Courtesy
Only go in your own cabin. Some groups may allow cabin visitors with permission from everyone else in the cabin, adult permission, or other guidelines!
Take your shoes off when you go in your cabin. It saves spreading dirt/water/mud that can get onto other clean clothes or gear (a wet pillow is a bummer!).
Hang any wet clothes near the door.
Keep each person's gear gathered in one spot. Here are some suggestions:
Bottom Bunk - Gear under bed. Top Bunk - Gear near the ladder.
Shoes underneath the bottom bunk's bed
Roll your blankets, pillows, and pajamas up together before you leave for the day.
When you leave your cabin for the day
Map of Camp Kirby
Note: Camp Kirby has updated some of their Cabin and Site Names. An updated Map will be included soon!