Campus Girl Scouts

Northern WAVE is thrilled to empower the revitalization of Campus Girl Scouts in Skagit and Whatcom Counties. 

At this time, we are starting with collecting and connecting interested Adult Girl Scouts attending one of the many college campuses. 

An official GSUSA Program, Northern WAVE is hoping to empower and support College-Age Girl Scouts as Mentors. 

We understand that today's College Student has many challenges -- changing course loads, tight finances, often times without a car or easy transportation, OH -- AND!!  a pandemic! As Mentors, we'd like to help provide transportation, communication, and invitations to fun things Girl Scouts are doing around town, so that College Students are supported in the ways they need it most.  

Girl Scouts ages 18-29 provide younger Girl Scouts an excellent role model, are closer to remembering what it is like to be that age, and know what it's like to be a young person today. Truthfully, these Young Adult Leaders are inspiring just by being themselves! 

There are a few formal steps to create a club, and a few requirements from GSUSA: 

Some ideas could include:

If you are interested in participating with Campus Girl Scouts in Skagit and Whatcom Counties, please complete our